NCPN News, Ideas, and Resources
Technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are transforming existing industries. Skilled technical workers of the future will need to function well in the diverse platforms and systems that drive multiple sectors. The Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project led by CORD has gathered input from stakeholders representing education, industry, and workforce interests to determine the skills needed to prepare for the impacts of emerging technologies. Three skill areas encompassing cross-disciplinary skill sets—advanced digital literacy, data knowledge and analysis, and business knowledge and processes—are increasingly important for all STEM technicians. This webinar introduces a Framework for integrating them into any technical program.

Hope Cotner
President, CORD

Michael Lesiecki
Senior Consultant, CORD

Marilyn Barger
Special Advisor
Senior Ed Advisor, FLATE

Richard Gilbert

Ann-Claire Anderson
Senior Vice President, CORD